ACTS Newsletter
Our newsletter, ACTS FACTS, is in its 18th year of uninterrupted publication. Our articles are frequently republished without cost in dozens of other art and theater publications monthly.
Reprint Policy:
You may reprint our articles for your publication without cost if:- ACTS FACTS is fully credited;
- The reprinter provides their readers with information on how to contact ACTS; and
- A copy of the publication with the reprinted article be sent to ACTS for our files.
Reprinting edited versions of our articles is permitted only if your copy is fact checked with ACTS prior to publication. We will check edited ACTS FACTS articles without cost.
ACTS FACTS is provided to subscribers at the cost of mailing, copying, writing and editing. It is $25 per year for 12 issues. The postage is first class. Canada and Mexico cost an additional $3.00 and other countries must add $6.00. Payment can be made by postal money order or a check in US dollars drawn on a US bank. If an invoice must be provided, ACTS charges $6.00 for invoicing for amounts under $50.
For further information about ACTS FACTS contact us by:
E-MAIL: ACTSNYC@cs.comTELEPHONE: (212) 777-0062
181 Thompson St., #23
New York NY 10012