ACTS potter glazing vase

Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety

Providing Safety & Hazard Information for the Arts - Worldwide!


new paltz lecturekingston lecture

These presentations can be tailored to the precise needs of the client because safety and health principles and OSHA and EPA regulations apply to all art, craft, museum, and theatrical work. Most common are lectures on specific subjects or combinations of subjects including:

  • Painting & Drawing,
  • Ceramics,
  • Printmaking,
  • Photography,
  • Metalwork,
  • Woodworking,
  • Sculpture,
  • Textile arts,
  • Stained Glass,
  • Glassblowing,
  • Enameling,
  • Papermaking,
  • Scenic arts,
  • Propmaking,
  • Costume work, and
  • Theatrical Makeup

Monona has also done lectures on unique crafts such as quilting and glass slumping. Other examples of special presentations include the hazards of historic building restoration, museum disaster preparedness, the ill effects of theatrical special effects, principles of industrial ventilation, Earth Day and Art, art therapy: special hazard to high risk populations, and World Trade Center dust hazards.