ACTS arts safety

Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety

Providing Safety & Hazard Information for the Arts - Worldwide!

Osha Compliance Inspections

Monona checks facilities for major Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) compliance requirements such programs for: hazard communication, personal protection, respiratory protection, emergency and evacuation plans, first aid and medical preparedness, scaffolds, powered lifts, ladders, fall protection and machine guarding. She checks the adequacy of exhaust ventilation systems, and looks for deficiencies in electrical systems, sanitation, chemical storage and disposal, and for sources of toxic building materials such as lead paint and asbestos.

Other areas of concern can be addressed at the request of the client including special hazards such as theatrical special effects, unusual or innovative art processes, storage or use of antique equipment or materials, and performance art hazards.

Interested parties are encouraged accompany the walk-through to participate in an on-site discussion of Monona's observations. After the walk through, the client may elect

  1. to hold a wrap-up conference during which priorities can be discussed, or
  2. to obtain a complete written report on the findings.

The report usually is available within two weeks and costs an additional day's fee or two depending on the length of the walk-through.